Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hello, Children...

Why do men wear speedos?

Don't they know how ridiculous they look?

And most importantly, when will it END?



isaythedarnestthings said...

Some, and I repeat SOME men look pretty hot in it.

Anonymous said...

I blame the continental Europeans

مارية said...

Problem is the guys who WOULD look hot don't wear Speedos...the old guys with potbellies seem to like them though.

ghoweljlsfqwef said...

I can understand where you are coming from. Speedos are kinda like thongs - they reveal a lot.
I've heard guys complain about thongs saying that "butt floss is too in-your-face."
I guess that is how some women feel about speedos. Or maybe you were just scarred after seeing Borat in that bright green... whatever it was.

chronicler said...

urgh! yes exactly! when will it end? it looks so disgusting...